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There is a lot of buzz, and controversy, recently over a new rap video involving a Korean rapper, whose name I will not mention in this post.  In his video, which I will not mention the name of the video or link it, is surrounded by a number of young Black men carrying guns that look fake, talking about killing and saying the word nigga multiple times.  This video has offended people all over the world, and cause some to look at Koreans as being prejudice.  But as I have written before, not all Koreans are prejudice, or uses racial slurs like this.  But why would this young man say this word over and over again in a rap video?  And what lesson should be learned in this story?

Why Some Feel Comfortable Using That Word

The word nigger, nigga or any other spelling you want to come up with, is considered the most hateful word in any language by many around the world.  Even though the history of that word is widely disputed, it is known as the most hateful word in any language.  Many younger Black people have tried to take the power and hate out of that word by using it as a term of endearment.  To bring this point home even more, some tell their non Black friends that they can use this word as well.  While those who chose to do this do so in a private setting, this is just a brazen attempt to get attention for money.

Is It Okay To Use This Word?

Should this word be used by anyone as a term of endearment?  At the end of the day, a slur is a slur.  If you don’t slur other groups of people, or you don’t want the group you’re a part of to be slurred, you should use slurs against anyone else.  Even if you see someone in that group using that word, don’t use it.  While people tend to be braver online than they would be in person, the fact is that many people are saying they want to do harm to this young Korean man for what he said.  This will live forever on the internet, and he will not be able to undue this.  One day, he’ll be alone or without is guns and could have his life in jeopardy over a video that lasted less than 5 minutes.  It’s just not worth it.

This video did not make this young man look tough or “street.”  It made him, and the other people in the video, look foolish and sad.  I have the feeling that someone may sit him down and educate him on the true meaning of that word and how hurtful his speech was.  While some will use this to fuel the argument that Koreans are racist people, his view does not reflect the view of most Koreans or Korean Americans.  It shows his own ignorance and the ignorance of those around him.

For a video on this topic, click here.